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In March of 2020 most Scottish Country Dancing came to a screeching halt due to COVID-19. Then, slowly but surely, teachers began offering instruction online. Try out some of these dance options to keep your legs limber and your mind sharp! Here are a few classes that our members have participated in and recommend.
Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Mondays 6:30 p.m. CT via Facebook Live with Rebecca Winnie (no Facebook account required). Approximately one hour. Classes have ended but are still available for viewing.
Houston & District Branch RSCDS
Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. CT via Facebook Live (no Facebook account required). Classes have ended but are still available for viewing.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Wednesday classes that may be viewed at any time. A different "mystery" teacher each week, including some of our good friends and previous instructors! Please note that not all recorded classes begin immediately - skip ahead on the recording to find the start time, or just let it run and enjoy the music.
More Virtual Classes
RSCDS class with teacher Jamie Berg and James Gray on keyboard
September 16, 2020
Program begins around minute 20
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