Who We Are
Madison Scottish Country Dancers (MSCD) is a social group that for more than 40 years has enjoyed learning and dancing the traditional reels, jigs, and strathspeys of Scotland. We dance every Sunday night, and all are welcome to join and learn along with us. (We recommend starting with an Open House night or through the adult beginner classes offered by Madison School and Community Recreation.) We hold an annual spring ball and sponsor dance parties and workshops throughout the year. Occasionally we perform at local folk festivals, street fairs, weddings, and other events. We have approximately 30 members, and ages range from 8 to 80. Beginners are welcome at any time. It is not necessary to have a partner to participate.
MSCD is a branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society of Scotland. For more information, see:
What is Scottish country dancing? from the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Scottish Country Dance on Wikipedia
Dancing unites Madison residents despite distance from its homeland on Madison Commons by Katrina Williams
NBC 15 news feature (aired June 25, 2017) [currently unavailable]
Madison Scottish Country Dancers chapter in the book A Resident's Guide to Madison, Wisconsin
At our balls and some special events we have live music provided by local or outside musicians. Sogan is our resident band, led by Dave Mullen.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee meets approximately 6 times per year and manages the fun, finances, and work of the organization.
2024-2025 Executive Committee:
Chair --- Nancy McClements
Vice-Chair --- Ian Gaylor
Treasurer --- Barb Samdahl
Secretary --- Corinna Gries
At-Large --- Marie Whelan (Publicity)
At-Large --- Bethany Wolkoff (Membership)
Teacher Representative (ex-officio) --- Kate Deck
Ball Co-Chairs (ex-officio) --- Ann Lindsey & Scott Weiss
Our History
MSCD originated as a student organization on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus in 1977. Our first teachers were Gregor and Vickery Trinkaus-Randall. Debbie Nelson is the one remaining member from those early years.
Favorite Dances​​
In Memorium