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​40th Anniversary Ruby Ball with music by Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas!

March 18, 2017
Varsity Hall, Union South
1308 West Dayton Street 
Madison, Wisconsin 


Photos & videos from the 2017 ball


Join Madison Scottish Country Dancers as we celebrate 40 years of Scottish dancing merriment with a gala, star-studded Ruby Anniversary Ball.


The ball will feature Alasdair Fraser, long regarded as Scotland's premier fiddle ambassador, and the talented, innovative California cellist Natalie Haas. Together this extraordinary duo has helped reconstruct and revive the Scottish tradition of playing dance music on violin and cello. Fraser and Haas have toured internationally for over 17 years, wowing audiences with their unique sound at festivals and concerts worldwide, and have released four critically acclaimed and award winning albums along the way.


The duo's dazzling teamwork, driving rhythms, and shared passion for improvising on the melody and the groove of Scottish tunes will make for a truly memorable evening of dancing.  Join us!


Weekend Overview


The weekend festivities begin with a Friday evening gathering of song and reminiscences celebrating 40 years of Scottish Country Dancing in Madison.  The evening will feature camaraderie, libations and a taco bar supper at a member’s home.  Ceilidh acts welcome.  Please register in advance if you plan to attend.


Saturday’s events include an afternoon walk-through, evening social hour, dinner and Ball, and after-ball party at a member’s home.  In keeping with Madison tradition, we’ll conclude with a Sunday brunch at a member’s home.







​Registration Information


Registration forms must be postmarked by March 9 to avoid a $10 late fee.  We offer both mail and online PayPal registration. To register via PayPal, go to:


To register by mail, send your completed registration form and check to:  Carol Buelow / 4206 Doncaster Dr / Madison, WI 53711. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you wish a “cheat sheet” mailed to you.

Student Discount / Scholarships

We offer a $5 discount for students attending the ball. Scholarships are also available for those otherwise unable to attend.  For more information, contact Carol Buelow, Registrar, by March 9.




Please indicate on the registration form if you desire hospitality. Due to anticipated demand, we recommend you also contact hospitality chair Phyllis Hasbrouck directly to alert her of your request (contact information on this page).  We will do our best to accommodate everyone, but can't guarantee it.  Those wishing hotel accommodations are advised to book early, as our ball coincides with a state basketball tournament which brings a large influx of visitors to Madison.  Hotel information can be found at or by calling the Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau at  800 / 373-6376.    





Friday, March 17
6:30 pm     Gathering of song, reminiscences and taco bar supper at a private home in Windsor, WI.  (Address provided with registration confirmation.)


Saturday, March 18 
1:00 pm    Ball walk-through, Red Gym, 716 Langdon St.
5:00 pm    Social hour with cash bar

Varsity Hall, Union South, 1308 West Dayton Street 
6:00 pm    Sit-down dinner
7:30 pm    Grand March and Ball 
        After Ball party at a member's home

Sunday, March 19
10:00 am     Potluck brunch at a member’s home

Key Contacts


Registrar:          Carol Buelow, 608 / 274-0127


Hospitality:        Phyllis Hasbrouck, 608 / 223-9571


Ball chair:          Ann Lindsey, 608 / 833-7690


Friday party:     Gill Robertson,  608 / 843-3134


Silent auction:   Janice Lacock, 608 / 298-9212


Past Balls


2016 |2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2002 | More past balls

Parking Near Union South - Map

Engineering Drive Ramp (Lot 17) 

1525 Engineering Dr.


Union South Garage (Lot 80) - FULL due to basketball tournament

Download Registration Form
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