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Madison Scottish Country Dancers (MSCD) provides opportunities for enjoyment of Scottish country dancing and ensures the safety of all participants. MSCD does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or other group identity. All are welcome. In order to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning and enjoyment…  

  • all attendees (dancers, teachers, musicians, guests, etc.) are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous manner 

  • anyone whose behavior is determined to be offensive, dangerous, or disruptive to the enjoyment or health of the class/event for participants or teachers will not be allowed to participate

  • children under 14 may attend if supervised by a parent or another adult

  • spectators may quietly observe, but must remain clear of the dance floor

  • attendance is at the discretion of the Board



  • If during a class/event an attendee displays offensive, dangerous, or disruptive behavior, a Board member should try to resolve the incident. If warranted, the Board member may ask that individual to leave. (In the absence of a Board member, the teacher may intervene.) The Board will then determine and carry out the appropriate future course of action, including possible warning, temporary suspension, or expulsion. If an individual wishes to report a specific incident or general problem, they are encouraged to do so to a member of the Board. The Board will then investigate and carry out the appropriate course of action, including possible warning, temporary suspension, or expulsion.

  • If the Board determines that a behavior has been or may be offensive, dangerous, or disruptive to the enjoyment or health of an event for other participants, the Board may decline to accept that person's registration for a future event. In such a case the person's application and any payment will be returned with a brief letter informing the individual that the application has not been accepted.



Policy approved by MSCD Board and MSCD Membership at Annual General Meeting, July 24, 2022

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